
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Philosophy [Our Ref:EXE17804]

"To not to have entirely wasted one's life seems to be a worthy accomplishment, if only for myself." - Bukowski

"The very reason I write is so that I might not sleepwalk through my entire life." ? Zadie Smith

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stat Update-News reel [Our Ref:EXF03272]

Too bad about the demise of Yash Chopra. Will miss the sentimental scenes with the time tested 'ah ah' background music.
I feel very sad for Lance Armstrong who got stripped of all his tour de France titles yesterday. Teachers used to tell me his story to inspire me and others in my class at school to work hard. The story was about how he survived cancer and came back to take the tour de France again and win. I guess we will have to do with Yuvraj singh alone in the future.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stat. Update. [Our Ref:EXD22549]

I just completed the season finale of "That 70s show". I had a lot of fun watching the entire series. That 70s show is about a group of yound kids who are in high school and college. The series mainly has one episode arcs and depends on slapstick comedy to entertain the viewers. There are 8 seasons in total and I just completed watching all of it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Entertainment-Horse race [Our Ref:EXF02206]

Today, the crew onboard Safmarine Chachai experienced something new and extremely exciting. We had a gathering and sandwich supper after which we played a game called "the horse race". It is basically a game very similar to Ludo but then, we use ship models instead of coloured coins. To participate in this race, a person must bet one dollar on one of the 6 plastic ships. Then, the game is played using dice. The ship to reach the 30 place ladder wins the round. We had 5 rounds of these games. It was very exciting. I am uploading the photos on facebook.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXD25585]

Why do most seafarers think that the south american route is the best to be in?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Philosophy [Our Ref:EXD12712]

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXD15810]

I was just called by the Mauritius Coast Guard and asked to get the hell away from their country:) Was asked to move out of their territorial zone. Hard to Starboard:)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE18756]

I spoke to a 3rd mate from AMET last night. He was onboard the Maersk Colombo and was part of BSc 2 batch(Pankaj Idangi). It was a long conversations eventhough it was about trivial matters. He told me that most of his batchmates have quit sailing, which made me think a lot about considering similar options.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXE26439]

We are on the highways again now..20 days voyage from Cape Town to Yantian, China has begun.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012