
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Future blog entries

30/07/2013 22:37:00
Today, for the umpteenth number of time, I have resolved to make log entries(diary) everyday. I have seen that it is impossbile to blog everyday, which meant that I had to find a way to keep track of life. It is also not possible to enter certain personal opinions in the blog, for it could be misinterpreted at a later time. Due to the above reasons, I will start maintaining both my blog and my diary. Im also planning to put the email facility of blogger to better use.
My plan now is to create my blog entries except stat. updates in the diary and publish them. Lets see if this works out. I will give you an update on how it fared, in a week from now.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stat. Update

Finally, there has been concrete news on the ship's schedule for the next few days. I will probably be signed off on 13th or 14th August when we reach Tema, which is three weeks from now. If that is not done, I will be staying onboard for another 3 to 4 weeks, sailing all the way upto Port Klang.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Stat. Update

Today Edison and I drove around the Point Noire port in the rescue boat as part of launching. We managed to get some very good pics of ourselves with the ship in the background. Im wondering if I attached the pictures to the mail, then the pictures will be published or not. I will have to try that when Im ashore or when Im back at home.

Stat. Update- Point Noire visit

Today, I had a chance to go ashore in Point Noire in Congo. The trip was a waste of time for most part, since there was nothing interesting that I could do out there. I did manage to buy a few eatable including half a kilo of raisins and dry grapes each. I also bought some frozen pizza, but Im not in the mood today to prepare them today.
I managed to get the sim card of Point Noire working again. I will probably call back home tomorrow.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Stat. Update Outside Point Noire

We are once again back at Point Noire and as usual, we have not been provided with berthing on arrival as promised. Any delay here could result in an entire schedule change leading to missed/late sign offs.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


I just had a strange experience unique probably to ships alone. When I was in the shower, the ship rolled to one side, which resulted in the shower spraying water for almost 5 sec, a feet above my head and clear of my body. As my face was covered in soap, I thought the water had somehow stopped. I staggered to wash my face with some water from the wash basin only to find that there was water all along.
After writing this, I have realised that no matter how good the writer is, it is not possible to capture certain actual moments in words.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Philosophy- Reverse mermaid theory.

I just had an experience which is the opposite of the Mermaid theory proposed by Barney Stinson's blog. I used like this ring tone which I later used as an alarm. I have been waking up to this tone for the past 5 months onboard. Yesterday, I was very tired from work and when I woke up due to the alarm, I felt real hate for a minute at that tone. It is true that sometimes Familiarity breeds contempt.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Event- Maersk M. Moeller's birthday

Just had the oppurtunity to hoist the Maersk flag onboard Safmarine Chachai today on the occasion of Mr. Moeller's birthday. It is a fact that in some small but significant way he and his policies have had an effect on each and every employee of Maerskline, myself included. The company's move to recruit more Indians was the reason I was recruited as a cadet in 2005, just after high school, which was standard practice for Europeans that time. It was unfortunate that he could not live till 100 years old. RIP Mr. Moeller.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stat. Update

Just read an piece written by Manushyaputran in Kungumam. He has similar feelings about the movie Naduvula konjam pakkatha kanom that I had when I watched and reviewed it. I feel so happy that at some point of time, I was on the same wavelength as someone like him...

Monday, July 8, 2013

Stat. Update

We will reach Cape town in three days. The temperature has already gone to mild discomfort levels. Brrrr..

Friday, July 5, 2013

Stat. Update

I just received news that there may be some delay this time around in West Africa. This is probably going to affect my sign off date of 08/07. We are visiting the place 10 days later and Im not sure anymore that it will even be on the list of ports called. We will know more on that when we depart Point Noire.