
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My Aunt passed away


I just came to know that my aunt passed away due to a disorder which caused water to accumulate in the lungs.  This is my second relative passing away in the last four months that I have been at sea.  Previously my mother's brother also died due to bad health. I feel sad that I was not able to see both of their faces one last time.  This is a big price to pay for the career that I have chosen.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fuzhou port - Shore leave

Today I had a chance to go ashore. The ship arrived at 5 PM(ship's time) and then I left with 8 more crew members as a group at 7 PM after my watch. We went to the town centre. Fuzhou is a small town compared to other cities in China. We did some shopping. I was not able to decide whether to buy anything to provide as gift for family and friends or not. So I did not buy any gifts. But I bought a game called Mah Jong. Its a very popular Chinese game similar to memory game in India. I also bought some chips and a small toy.
We will leave port tomorrow morning and go to sea. So it will not be possible to use the China sim tomorrow. But we will come back to China by 29th october. The China sim will still be working and so I will be able to call from that number from 29th to 31st.
Today Ragul anna and Mohan visited my house. Too bad I was not home, because Ragul anna has come to our house after a long time. They will all be present for Gopi anna's son's function on the 9th. Except me.


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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Stat update

Now the vessel is starting the busy far east run. It's going to be a hectic 3 weeks.

Stat update

Just installed tweet caster blogger feedly and friend caster.  Blogging from it right now.