
Friday, September 16, 2016

Typhoon Meranti

Our vessel is headed towards Xiamen, which took the hit from the most powerful typhoon that ever formed this year. The typhoon was called Meranti, and I understood from the news that it caused quite some damage in Taiwan and Fujian province. I will know more when the ship reaches there on 17th night.


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Sunday, September 11, 2016

Stat. Update

Watched the trailer of Vikram starrer Irumugan today. It was really awesome. I also found a new youtube channel which involves a foreigner reviewing trailers and recommended short clips from tamil movies.


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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Winner of Best Cabin during weekly rounds

I just got the confirmation that my cabin has been selected as the best cabin on the entire ship. The present management had implemented the plan of giving points under various categories during cabin inspections. The categories include Bathroom, Bins, Bunk, Smell, Feng Shui, Wives and Girlfriends, Shrine, Music, General Improvement, Good for an Engineer and Nothing Left To Chance. The points range from 5 for good to 1 for poor. I got a total of 32 points, and scored a narrow victory.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Stat. Update

Had a barbecue party yesterday followed by prize distribution for the winners of the table tennis tournament. It was great fun watching colleagues smile and receive their gifts as though they had won the lottery!