
Sunday, December 4, 2011

News Reel [Our Ref:EXD05996]


I read an article on the Ocean News(A newsletter being delivered to the ship through the ship's email system-common for all) about how the Supreme court has ruled that women cannot be punished for adultery.

"The Supreme Court today said a woman in an illicit relationship cannot be punished for adultery despite being an abettor in the crime though the man is liable for punishment".

The Supreme court quotes Section 497, which, by definition, applies only for men. I guess this was made to protect the interests of women coerced into a relationship by threat, but this hardly seems the case in the above condition. It is the woman who has moved this to the Supreme court and she has questioned the government's right to file charges against her and not moved to nullify the charges against her.
I think it would have made a huge uproar all across India, if a man had done the same, trying to justify adultery the way she did. But then, the world is almost always biased, sometimes in favour and sometimes against, both men and women. In fact, I think it is biased for everyone on some particular circumstances and its better to join the majority and call it fair instead of fighting it.

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