
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Stat Update-Friday 23rd December-2230 Hrs [Our Ref:EXF09748]

The Emergency drills went on well today. When I came up for morning watch today, I found that it was still dark, due to the advancing of clocks yesterday. Because of this, the drill was started a little late. First we had a tabletop drill(a exercise where we simply discuss what we will do in case of a particular emergency). Then we had the fire drill. As usual, we assumed that the fire was at a particular location(in today's drill, the galley-galley is the place where the food is prepared). Then two people put on fire resistant suits and got ready as they would during a real fire. We also prepared some fire hoses(long strong rubber pipes which can transport sea water to extinguish the fire).
Then we had the lifeboat drill. It is still cold outside and so we did not spend much time explaining the various procedures involved in launching the lifeboat.
After that, I spent the rest of the afternoon ensuring that everything was put back in its proper place. Im the person incharge of all the safety related equipments. So I had to make sure that before I stopped working today, everything is per normal situations.
Then I watched some episodes of a TV serial called Grey's anatomy. Its about 5 doctors new out of college and in a hospital. Currently Im on watch, but then, there is no traffic as its the pacific ocean. We had to stop for an hour because of some minor engine problem, but now, we are going again at full ahead speed.

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