
Friday, February 3, 2012

What's happening in life [Our Ref:EXF19794]

I just came to know that the person who was supposed to relieve me is not willing to join the ship. So right now, my sign off plan is hanging in the balance.
My ship is right now at Hong Kong anchorage awaiting berth. The DMA inspection just got over. Other than the usual deficiencies already known, nothing new was found.
Yesterday, I had a strange idea of visiting HongKong disneyland. I always wanted to go there and the timing tomorrow is perfect for a visit to the place not far from the place my ship would be docked. However, Im keeping my plans a secret for the crew since they dont take it lightly when someone does this while they work(eventhough they say they dont mind it). They still cannot believe that I went to watch the latest Sherlock Holmes movie(game of shadows) in a mall in Panama.
Since the ship is at anchorage, I am currently listening to my initial collection of songs, including 'kadhal konjam' and 'nan odum nadhi pol'. Im taking a small break from the Kannadasan collection. The sign off plan has come as an unpleasant surprise to me at this point. I had planned to attend the cmar course immediately after the sign off and it serves me right to have booked the course so quickly after my return to Chennai. Lets see how things turn out.
Btw, the anchorage view is awesome. Im surrounded by arond 50 vessels and more outside the visible range, all at anchor. Hong Kong entry has always been one of my favourites sight seeing areas. Hopefully, I will get a glimpse of HongKong entrance during the transit. I will write about that tomorrow.

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