
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stat update [Our Ref:EXF28316]

Our ship has just left Ghana. The next port is only after 6 or 7 days and so its going to be a bit free after this day. Im still learning the various things to be learnt about this ship. Tonight will be my first watch on the bridge. This bridge is a little bit different because there are some obstructions in front of the bridge which makes it difficult to navigate. Yet, I hope I will learn it soon enough.
I subscribed to the epaper of Hindu newspaper yesterday. I used the ICICI card for it. But due to slow internet, it takes more than an hour to read the entire paper. The subscription cost is Rs. 850 for 6 months.
One good thing about the internet is that the room in which Im going to stay after this officer signs off is very close to the router. So Im hoping that internet speed will get better after next port.
I also came to know that there is going to be an internal audit in the next port. So I will have to prepare for it from now on.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Joining Safmarine Chachai [Our Ref:EXE06444]

Arrvied safely on the ship. After leaving you in Chennai, I cleared Customs, Immigration and then the security check to reach the gate of departure. When you left the airport, the flight was supposed to be late by 30 mins only. Then the flight got delayed by another 20 mins. We left Chennai at 1040 PM.
Onboard the flight to Dubai I watched the movie 'Mission Impossible 4-Ghost Protocol'. Then I slept till the time we reached Dubai.
At Dubai I browsed the shops around for 1 hour and then slept at the airport till 6 AM. I was careful to set an alarm so that I dont miss the flight. Then I proceeded to the particular gate and then boarded the flight. There was no delay. Then I travelled for 8 hours to reach Accra.
At Accra, I was not able to find out the Agent. So I went ahead with the visa department. They told me that I would be given a visa if I paid 20 dollars(standard fee-not a bribe). I paid the money and then left the airport. I went outside and called the agent using one of the security guard's phone(paid him 1 dollar). Then the agent came and found me at the airport. He returned the 20 dollars to me.
I was not sure that time, if I would be taken to the hotel or to the ship. Thats when I messaged you. Then I found out that the vessel had not berthed. So I was taken to a hotel called Kesdem. It was an average hotel. I then slept for 2 hours, had dinner at 5 PM. Then I went around the place to shop. I went to a supermarket and bought some food items including biscuit packets.
The next day, that is today, I was picked up after lunch by the agent and brought to the ship after clearing immigration office. Right now, I have taken over watch. I learnt that the officer Im going to relieve is going to stay onboard till Capetown(25th). I also found out that the schedule has been changed a little bit. Three new ports have been added in the Asia trip. Thats good news because two of those ports have good places to go out. I will tell you the schedule when it happens.
The only problem I seem to have is that my charger dont work here because the plug is not of the same type as India. I remember putting a universal adaptor in the bag but Im not able to find it now. I think I will buy one tomorrow. The tablet's charger is working and so I will be able to call you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Stat update

Just completed the cargo exam. I have a good feeling about it eventhough i had very little prep time.
About the movie theatre on my last update..the power was back on in 45 mins..