
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stat update [Our Ref:EXF28316]

Our ship has just left Ghana. The next port is only after 6 or 7 days and so its going to be a bit free after this day. Im still learning the various things to be learnt about this ship. Tonight will be my first watch on the bridge. This bridge is a little bit different because there are some obstructions in front of the bridge which makes it difficult to navigate. Yet, I hope I will learn it soon enough.
I subscribed to the epaper of Hindu newspaper yesterday. I used the ICICI card for it. But due to slow internet, it takes more than an hour to read the entire paper. The subscription cost is Rs. 850 for 6 months.
One good thing about the internet is that the room in which Im going to stay after this officer signs off is very close to the router. So Im hoping that internet speed will get better after next port.
I also came to know that there is going to be an internal audit in the next port. So I will have to prepare for it from now on.

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