
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF00905]

Its a bright and sunny morning after a long duration of cloudy days. We are reaching Point Noire port in Congo tonight. Time to see if my global sim card still works in Congo.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF09058]

I recently started using Friendcaster for accessing facebook on my tablet. So far, it has proved to be the best application to see facebook newsfeed ever.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF12076]

Im getting really annoyed about these daily astrological messages coming up on my facebook news feed. How is it that not one of these messages are about my star?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

News reel

I read the news about how two girls were arrested for questioning the Bandh after Bal Thackeray's death. No one wants Bal saheb's demise to be remembered for this. By arresting them, the people responsible have stole the thunder away from the main issue and handed it on a silver platter to the girls involved. That being said, Im not sure if writing about this constitutes a violation of laws. Now both these girls have to live out their life for the next few months in fear of what could happen. Every time there is an anniversary, they would have to keep a low profile. Look at how the general responsible for Blue Star operation was attacked 38 years after the incident, inspite of just being a loyal and obedient Government servant.
Most people believe that the IT law should make it clear about what grounds people could be arrested for. I believe that more you start defining the law, the more it stays ambiguous. It is a modern wonder how the civil and criminal laws survived for this many years in a culturally diverse region as India. I believe the Genius of the other Saheb from Maharashtra should receive a mention here.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF00041]

Finally, we managed to leave Cape Town after the frequent start stop of cargo operations due to strong winds. Now Im on my way to Point Noire in Congo. The weather is rougher than usual, but its something that we have come to be accustomed to in this part of the world. Good Fauna watch too, considering the number of seals, whales and dolphins you see here.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXF17071]

I hadnt used my tablet for a very long time since I joined the ship. Yesterday, I decided to take a while to customize it to my style. The time spent was fruitful, as I found smart and quick ways of checking my mails, facebook, twitter, rss and blog accounts. It is even making me question the ways Im accessing them right now.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF25538]

We passed Mauritius this morning. I wish I could be on a holiday there sometime.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF20133]

Feeling tired and lonely thanks to not spending Deepavali at home. Its nice to have a job in these tumultuous circumstances, but then, sometimes the question arises in my mind if the money is worth the effort. Not that my job is any different from the other guy next door in terms of hours of work and nature of progress.

Stat Update

Last few days, a distinct memory from my past has been visiting me quite often. Two days ago, the crew started waxing and polishing of the floor around my usual work place. I was wax-locked into a tiny corner of my office and instead of feeling cramped, I felt nostalgic about the entire situation. This reminded me of the days when a new block was being constructed in my school at Velachery. This was around 2000 or so, when students were prohibited from entering the newly constructed building due to the polish work that was going on then. Inspite of all the warnings, my friend and I frequently visited the place after hours and had a skid competition on the walls. When caught, the excuse was that we were going to the library, which was already operational across on the other side. I believe the skid marks are still present at the 3rd floor of the school, though Im not sure they were polished again later on. I would very much like to check this out when I visit the school again.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXD15168]

The second year in a row that Im onboard a ship during Diwali. Though it could have been avoided by signing on earlier, I thought that the time spent before this sailing at home was one of the most memorable occasions in my life.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE21741]

Just had an altercation with the Cheif Engineer with an alarm. Looks like the stay onboard is not going to be as smooth as I thought it would be.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXE01862]

We crossed the equator just yesterday. The rain doesn't seem to be stopping at all. The cadets onboard say that its summer now in Cape Town. Im eagerly awaiting the ship's return to Capetown, so that I could visit Century city mall again.
P.S: My friend Praveen is now working in Johannesberg. I thought we could meet at Cape town, but he is very busy now to visit.

Friday, November 2, 2012

[Our Ref:EXD22177]

The ship is heading for Tanjung Pelepas,a port in Malaysia. Im busy preparing for the audit thats going to happen there.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE25841]

We left Nansha port today at around 1230 IST. We are now on our way to TPP port and will reach there by november 5th.