
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Back in Chennai

Im back in Chennai now after a long two day tour of various temples in Nagapattinam district.  The family function was a Sastiyapdapoorthi, a celebration of 60th birthday/a long happy married life.  The procedure is simple.  All rituals followed during an actual marriage are repeated ceremoniously(literally).  The gathering ends with the married couple blessing others instead of the couple getting others' blessings like in normal hindu marriages.
     We then came back the same way we reached there.  On the way, my uncle got mad at one of the guys working at the Toll centre near Dindivanam.  Nothing big happenned, since the mistake was on their side.  They overcharged the van that we were travelling in and decided to take their own time in doing it.
      Today and tomorrow, banks have gone on strike and so my plan to approach my bank regarding a certain procedure(don't want to discuss what that is, since some of the followers don't need to know) went eschewed.  I then booked a course with the HIMT for the time between march 13th and march 24th.
      And finally, the highlight of the day was that I received information about my next sign on.  I will be signing on again on the Safmarine Chachai this April 1st at TPP.  Granted the route is not that appealing, and the ship will be facing its annuals this time of the year, but then, familiarity doesn't always breed contempt(hopefully!).

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