
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Movie review - Startrek

30/07/2013 23:29:30


I have finished watching all episodes of Startrek Next Generation today. I have been watching Startrek episodes since 2011. As of now, I have watched NXG, DS9 and Voyager completely, some episodes even multiple times.
For me, Voyager would be the favourite among the lot, because of its unique distinction of being in the Delta quadrant. As a seafarer, I saw that the conditions of voyager had plenty of parallels to the life at sea. We are isolated from the rest of the world just like they were stranded far away from earth. Just as the Captain sets the course for home and never stops, our ships set a course for our destination and run 24 hours a day.
There is another reason why I like the Voyager. The other tv series' had a running theme for two or three episodes max. But Voyager's theme, the purpose of getting home, was a running one from the start till the end when they reach the Alpha quadrant. This is a much better ending compared to DS9 or NXG(the original series doesn't even come in the picture).
More on Startrek coming up soon.

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