
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Why I dont like Facebook now [Our Ref:EXF23243]

Being a regular internet user myself, I thought writing blogs would be simple. Not so much. I had another blog previously, but I used it only to follow the blogs of other people. The main reason that I started to blog is because I grew tired of facebook. Most notifications received are either game requests or that you have been tagged in a photo. When I access the photo, I see that its not a photo of me(why are they gonna do that-putting up my pic in their albums?) but a tree or a list stating that Im 70 percent compatible with them or Im their dearest friend or soul mate or such weird things.
I dont even want to get started on the status updates.
'having coffee'(as if I care if its not coffee)
'finished coffee'(you've got to finish it anyway)
'enjoing rain-having coffee'
The worst ones are those which talk about relationships or about extremely obvious things that it makes me quote Robert Downey from Sherlock Holmes, "Good Lestrade..Now we have a firm grip of the obvious".
Sometimes I do enjoy a video or two or an occasional pic. But then, among the 5 page long feeds, things that interest me are extremely rare.
There is also this extreme gender discrimination which irks me. Girls are often showered with likes and comments for some posts which, I believe, are pure nonsense. Boys on the other hand, often post stuff that have already gone viral. This means you get the same video, say, a dozen times and the comments by friends on this video another dozen times.
Eventhough Im tempted a few times, to delete my facebook account, I fear the implications of doing so, since keeping this account virtually costs nothing and if in the future, you meet someone and they say 'Ill find you on facebook' when they leave in a hurry, then it may feel a little stupid to have deleted it before.
I know someone who deleted his facebook account and as of now, he does not regret it. I hope I get the courage someday to get rid of the facebook monkey off my back.

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