
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ram's diary [Our Ref:EXD29891]

06/11/2011 05:39:18
Off the shores of California

My day today did not start well. I awoke at the ringing of the phone to find that its already 8 AM, the time I take over the watch from the Chief officer. I brushed, rushed up to the bridge and took over. The Captain and Chief officer offerred to wait till I got my breakfast, but I refused. I guess my pride wouldn't allow it. Or just that I realised they were just being polite.
No traffic was there during both my watches. Though I may not be able to say the same tomorrow, as we reach port tomorrow night(sunday night). Saturday afternoon went well. I designed my blog for around three hours and then read A's blog for another hour.
Then I watched 'Pirates of the Caribean' part 1 after dinner. This time, I was watching it along with the Captain, Chief Engineer, third engineer and two other guys of the same rank. The conversation in between the scenes was quite amusing.
I called Mom and Dad, as per my usual practice of calling them on sundays. I came to know that Mom is going to be incharge of a voters id process on sunday. I also came to know that apart from them, there was noone else in the house, since the house owners had left the place to go to Kerala for some medical reasons.
Its right now 11.45 Pm and Im ready to go to bed. I may have a long day tomorrow and I wish to be ready.

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