
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ship Visit [Our Ref:EXE25824]

On ships, we dont get many visitors. Nowadays its even a bigger rarity thanks to the insanely quick turnaround we make at ports. Sometimes we stay for just 5 or 6 hours.
The reason I brought this up: We had our ship visited by 6 beautiful Mexican girls working in the terminal. Sounds unreal? Check out the pic below. They were nicely dressed up for the occasion in uniform white shirts and black pants with port authority safety vests just adding to the smartness.
I showed them around(guys here on the ship are still jealous that I got the chance, but unfortunately for them, the visit happenned during my watch, which is 6-12AM, for those who dont know). They did not speak English, so everything I said had to be translated by the agent. The height of the event was when they asked me to demonstrate the operating of all the bridge equipments(which incidentally is my forte). They were delighted to use the equipments themselves as they took turns.
One of the girls wanted my mail id and I have given it to her future references. But from my experience, I have seen most of these one time acquaintances during ship visits never lead to further conversations.

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