
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Diary [Our Ref:EXF20610]

Off the coast of Mexico
Proceeding to Balboa

Its been quiet since the departure from Lazaro Cardenas. The Captain here is about to sign off in Balboa and so Im trying to complete all the paperwork signatures as soon as possible.

I have also taken up some stock counting to assist the Chief Officer. Apart from this, I just updated the gen. arrangement plan with some latest data and wrote to the company about the shore based check of the EEBDs onboard.
WILD has been updated.

Today morning, I read on the ship's mail that the internal audit will be conducted between 11th to 16th december. The person who is coming onboard to conduct this audit is none other than the same person who conducted it on my previous ships. So its 2 out of 2 for me with regards to Internal, External audits and Annual safety surveys.

ETO Ram is about to sign off in Balboa. The Indian onboard will be lose strength as my friend Vasanth is joining the ship at the same port. We have asked him to bring as many tamil movies and food items as possible. So for a few days after Balboa, the tamilians onboard will probably have a hearty meal just like their friends back in Chennai.

For the last two days, I have tried and succeeded in forwarding facebook updates and twitter to my 'text only' email service which I can access while at work. This has been an interesting experience, ie, getting facebook updates and twitter updates once every hour. My inbox looks a bit crowded now though.

I have also been browsing through many blogs by Indians and I feel I have not been writing as much as I could write if I apply my mind on it. There are few uncovered topics still left on the internet and there are still a few who could not get what they need, from the internet. It would be a nice idea to cover these topics into blogs of my own.

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