
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXE07507]

About to see Unimak passage today evening..very excited..if there is enough daylight, expect some photos..!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXF12029]

Just saw an exact lookalike of a Nokia 5800 Xpress music...Got to give it to the Chinese to make such excellent doppelganger electronic products...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXD00561]

Freezing out here on the bridge...Heating not working...Looks like heating will work only in the morning..

Monday, January 16, 2012

Whats happening in my life [Our Ref:EXD02451]

As you already know, the safety survey went quite well during the last port stay of Balboa, Panama. Just when I thought I would get some time off, the DMA(Danish Maritime Academy) decided to show up on our vessel just before my sign off. The person is arriving on feb 3rd and leaving by the 5th.
This means Ill have to prepare the ship all over again for an inspection. This also means that my reliever can afford to have his feet up for the next 3 months since I made it through all the inspections. Great.
Adding to this depressing thought is the fact that I could have spent the Pongal holidays at home if I had signed on just a few days before. And I may have to sign on again just before my family member get some free time.
And inspite of all the above, life does seem to strike me as a fair bargainer. Im not able to grasp its intricacies, but I hope I do before this lifetime.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What's happening [Our Ref:EXF13210]

I read a report today about an Italian cruise liner carrying around 3000 people running aground and sinking at the Italian coast. Too unfortunate that the navigators did not know where the reef was. Unfortunately, as of now, 2 people have died and there is no info on dozens of others. More updates later.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE05725]

Wish you all a very happy Pongal. May the harvest festival bring joy and prosperity to everyone.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Whats happening in life [Our Ref:EXF14520]

The Road Less Travelled
Its been two days since we left port. This time, the trip across the Pacific from Balboa to Yokohama is going to be different,because we are about to take the route less travelled, literally. We are about to go in between the Aleutian island group(a long but narrow group of island emanating from the west of Alaska) and from what I hear, the view is very beautiful. The plan is to sail to Guadalupe Island, then make a great circle(a navigation technique which considers sailing along a curve instead of a straight path) to Unimak passage, then great circle again to Attu passage, then great circle to Nojima Zaki for Yokohama pilot(Zaki or Saki means light house). I will get back to you all with photos.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Phil [Our Ref:EXD09050]

MV Rena, a ship which was grounded last week, has been ripped to two pieces by bad weather. Lesson learnt: Never get stuck for anything at sea or in life. Its not good for business.

Stat update [Our Ref:EXD28646]

Safety survey did not go as planned. Though nothing was found on equipments under my charge, the emergency generator failed to start up automatically, forcing us to get a dispensation from ABS headquarter(the class society). More on that tomorrow.

Thursday, January 5, 2012