
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Daily Log [Our Ref:EXF20736]

Today was one really bad day for me. It started off well, with me having a good breakfast. Around 9, I was called by the CO to launch the sb lifeboat. After launching, one of the inexperienced cadets(Cameron) let go the painter and caused the boat to drift. The forward suspended hook hit the front view windshield with a swift force and caused it to break. For a second, I was shocked about what had happenned. Then I somehow managed to bring the boat in position and get out of trouble. Even then, the glass was damaged. It took almost till 5 to fix it. I obviously offered to help and got really tired, eventhough I was not assigned the job.
Then I had a row this morning with the Chief officer. He is usually a smooth talker, but today, he got angry and let his real self out. Its amazing how certain situations help bring the real you out. I decided to be grumpy to use the leverage, but Im considering reconciling tomorrow morning. I keep getting flashes about a song from the Ramayana, which says that Rama's arrow traveled through the rakshasi like truth pierces through the minds of the wicked. Then comes the thought about how Sandror's anger remains the same amount of time as a line drawn on water. Thus the connection.
I remained sluggish the entire evening watch due to the pain of hardwork after a long time. I completed the incident report for the Captain. On second thoughts, I decided to rephrase a particular sentence which made me feel as though I was showing off. I hope the Captain didn't have time to read it, because if he had, he would have exported it and it would be a bigger mess.
Just when I thought the day was over, I got a call from Boots(Jimboots the new AB) saying that he is suffering from toothache and needs immediate attention from the 2nd officer. Now I have to wait till he returns back. The reason for writing this to you being the extra time that I have now.
The thirukural reading plan didn't work out the last two three days. Planning to do 190 kurals a day. Makes 1330 Kurals in a week.
I have to get back now to send the new schedule file back home.

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