
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Stat. Update

It was yet another marvelous Christmas onboard for me, here at Safmarine Chachai. The food served, the decorations made, the crew's spirit and enthusiasm made my day for me. I will upload the pics on facebook asap.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


I had earlier written about Bingo that was about to happen. I played 5 games today, but did not win even a single game. Im probably the only one who has played all games in the last few bingo events but never won even a single time. Tough luck, I guess.

Stat. Update

I have had problems with getting enough sleep in the last few days, thanks to the advancing of clocks. Surprisingly, I slept like a baby yesterday, which incidentally turns out to be Vaikunda Ekadesi, the day we are supposed to stay awake all night according to Hindu mythology.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Stat. Update

Ive just been informed that Bingo will be conducted onboard tomorrow. Im eagerly awaiting tomorrow's game, since it was great fun last time.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Stat. Update-New schedule

Arr. Arr. Arr. St Site Site Dep. Svc Dep. Dep. St
Date Time Voy Code Name Voy /Route Date Time
1206 O ZACPT04 Cape Town 1206 FW3/W1 O
1206 O CNYATCT Yantian 1301 FW3/W1 O
130103 0859 1206 S CNNANCT Nansha New Po 1301 FW3/W1 130103 2329 S
130107 1900 1206 S MYTPPTM Tanjung Pelep 1301 FW3/W1 130108 2100 S
130109 1500 1206 S MYLPKWP Port Klang 1301 FW3/W1 130110 0030 S
130124 0001 1301 S ZACPT04 Cape Town 1301 FW3/W1 130125 2130 S
130201 2300 1301 S CGPNRTM Pointe Noire 1302 FW3/W1 130203 1930 S
130208 0001 1301 S GHTMAMP Tema 1302 FW3/W1 130211 0300 S
130221 0200 1302 S ZACPT04 Cape Town 1302 FW3/W1 130221 2200 S
130312 0630 1302 S CNYATCT Yantian 1303 FW3/W1 130313 1000 S
130313 2100 1302 S CNNANCT Nansha New Po 1303 FW3/W1 130314 1030 S
130318 1900 1302 S MYTPPTM Tanjung Pelep 1303 FW3/W1 130319 2100 S
130320 1500 1302 S MYLPKWP Port Klang 1303 FW3/W1 130321 0030 S
130405 0001 1303 S ZACPT04 Cape Town 1303 FW3/W1 130405 2130 S
130412 2300 1303 S CGPNRTM Pointe Noire 1304 FW3/W1 130414 1930 S

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Philosophy [Our Ref:EXD00425]

Whenever my Mom sends me an email, she writes a small prayer at the end. Today, by accident, she forgot to type the prayer before sending. To rectify the mistake, she sent me the same mail all over again, but this time with the prayer. How cute is that?

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXD26199]

Our ship will arrive in Tema anchorage today. It looks like its going to be sometime before we enter port.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Movie review [Our Ref:EXD01416]

I watched a movie called 'Swades' today. This is a movie about an NRI space scientist visiting India for the first time in his adult life. He gets involved in a project that helps an entire village. Boosted by the response, he decides to stay in India and help out his village and other villages in the vicinity.
From Wikipedia, I learnt that the film was critically acclaimed but fared average in the box office. The film stars Shahrukh Khan and a newbie heroine along with a variety of cast. I liked the way the people chosen for their roles played them to perfection, particularly, the character of the Post Master/Kusti Bailvan. All character builds were equally impressive and unique in their own way.
The reason why I write about this movie is that it raised several questions in my mind about my own life and the understanding of its meaning. One character from the movie says that it is not logical to light our neighbour's house when our own house is in darkness. What Im doing right now may not directly relate to this, as Im not paying taxes anywhere except in India. I bring valuable foreign expenditure to our country and in this way and also by remaining as a responsible citizen, I am doing the right thing from my own point of view. But then, the question of how good Ive served our country still arises in my mind once in a few days.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF00905]

Its a bright and sunny morning after a long duration of cloudy days. We are reaching Point Noire port in Congo tonight. Time to see if my global sim card still works in Congo.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF09058]

I recently started using Friendcaster for accessing facebook on my tablet. So far, it has proved to be the best application to see facebook newsfeed ever.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF12076]

Im getting really annoyed about these daily astrological messages coming up on my facebook news feed. How is it that not one of these messages are about my star?

Saturday, November 24, 2012

News reel

I read the news about how two girls were arrested for questioning the Bandh after Bal Thackeray's death. No one wants Bal saheb's demise to be remembered for this. By arresting them, the people responsible have stole the thunder away from the main issue and handed it on a silver platter to the girls involved. That being said, Im not sure if writing about this constitutes a violation of laws. Now both these girls have to live out their life for the next few months in fear of what could happen. Every time there is an anniversary, they would have to keep a low profile. Look at how the general responsible for Blue Star operation was attacked 38 years after the incident, inspite of just being a loyal and obedient Government servant.
Most people believe that the IT law should make it clear about what grounds people could be arrested for. I believe that more you start defining the law, the more it stays ambiguous. It is a modern wonder how the civil and criminal laws survived for this many years in a culturally diverse region as India. I believe the Genius of the other Saheb from Maharashtra should receive a mention here.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF00041]

Finally, we managed to leave Cape Town after the frequent start stop of cargo operations due to strong winds. Now Im on my way to Point Noire in Congo. The weather is rougher than usual, but its something that we have come to be accustomed to in this part of the world. Good Fauna watch too, considering the number of seals, whales and dolphins you see here.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXF17071]

I hadnt used my tablet for a very long time since I joined the ship. Yesterday, I decided to take a while to customize it to my style. The time spent was fruitful, as I found smart and quick ways of checking my mails, facebook, twitter, rss and blog accounts. It is even making me question the ways Im accessing them right now.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF25538]

We passed Mauritius this morning. I wish I could be on a holiday there sometime.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXF20133]

Feeling tired and lonely thanks to not spending Deepavali at home. Its nice to have a job in these tumultuous circumstances, but then, sometimes the question arises in my mind if the money is worth the effort. Not that my job is any different from the other guy next door in terms of hours of work and nature of progress.

Stat Update

Last few days, a distinct memory from my past has been visiting me quite often. Two days ago, the crew started waxing and polishing of the floor around my usual work place. I was wax-locked into a tiny corner of my office and instead of feeling cramped, I felt nostalgic about the entire situation. This reminded me of the days when a new block was being constructed in my school at Velachery. This was around 2000 or so, when students were prohibited from entering the newly constructed building due to the polish work that was going on then. Inspite of all the warnings, my friend and I frequently visited the place after hours and had a skid competition on the walls. When caught, the excuse was that we were going to the library, which was already operational across on the other side. I believe the skid marks are still present at the 3rd floor of the school, though Im not sure they were polished again later on. I would very much like to check this out when I visit the school again.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXD15168]

The second year in a row that Im onboard a ship during Diwali. Though it could have been avoided by signing on earlier, I thought that the time spent before this sailing at home was one of the most memorable occasions in my life.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE21741]

Just had an altercation with the Cheif Engineer with an alarm. Looks like the stay onboard is not going to be as smooth as I thought it would be.

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXE01862]

We crossed the equator just yesterday. The rain doesn't seem to be stopping at all. The cadets onboard say that its summer now in Cape Town. Im eagerly awaiting the ship's return to Capetown, so that I could visit Century city mall again.
P.S: My friend Praveen is now working in Johannesberg. I thought we could meet at Cape town, but he is very busy now to visit.

Friday, November 2, 2012

[Our Ref:EXD22177]

The ship is heading for Tanjung Pelepas,a port in Malaysia. Im busy preparing for the audit thats going to happen there.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE25841]

We left Nansha port today at around 1230 IST. We are now on our way to TPP port and will reach there by november 5th.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Philosophy [Our Ref:EXE17804]

"To not to have entirely wasted one's life seems to be a worthy accomplishment, if only for myself." - Bukowski

"The very reason I write is so that I might not sleepwalk through my entire life." ? Zadie Smith

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stat Update-News reel [Our Ref:EXF03272]

Too bad about the demise of Yash Chopra. Will miss the sentimental scenes with the time tested 'ah ah' background music.
I feel very sad for Lance Armstrong who got stripped of all his tour de France titles yesterday. Teachers used to tell me his story to inspire me and others in my class at school to work hard. The story was about how he survived cancer and came back to take the tour de France again and win. I guess we will have to do with Yuvraj singh alone in the future.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Stat. Update. [Our Ref:EXD22549]

I just completed the season finale of "That 70s show". I had a lot of fun watching the entire series. That 70s show is about a group of yound kids who are in high school and college. The series mainly has one episode arcs and depends on slapstick comedy to entertain the viewers. There are 8 seasons in total and I just completed watching all of it.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Entertainment-Horse race [Our Ref:EXF02206]

Today, the crew onboard Safmarine Chachai experienced something new and extremely exciting. We had a gathering and sandwich supper after which we played a game called "the horse race". It is basically a game very similar to Ludo but then, we use ship models instead of coloured coins. To participate in this race, a person must bet one dollar on one of the 6 plastic ships. Then, the game is played using dice. The ship to reach the 30 place ladder wins the round. We had 5 rounds of these games. It was very exciting. I am uploading the photos on facebook.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXD25585]

Why do most seafarers think that the south american route is the best to be in?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Philosophy [Our Ref:EXD12712]

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXD15810]

I was just called by the Mauritius Coast Guard and asked to get the hell away from their country:) Was asked to move out of their territorial zone. Hard to Starboard:)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE18756]

I spoke to a 3rd mate from AMET last night. He was onboard the Maersk Colombo and was part of BSc 2 batch(Pankaj Idangi). It was a long conversations eventhough it was about trivial matters. He told me that most of his batchmates have quit sailing, which made me think a lot about considering similar options.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXE26439]

We are on the highways again now..20 days voyage from Cape Town to Yantian, China has begun.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Stat update [Our Ref:EXF27886]

Right now alongside the container terminal of Point Noire in Congo..Till now, I have not relished the events that has happenned. Im sure that this will be an experience, just not sure if its going to last as a good one.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

[Our Ref:EXD11837]

Today was much better than yesterday. I managed to secure all the ffa and lsa on deck to prevent theft during port stay at Congo. I also managed to get some sleep after the lengthy night work. Started listening to AR Rahman collection again and some songs still manage to amaze me in its flow of music and the blending in with the words. Songs like 'ennavale' from kadhalan, 'malargalae' from love birds are good to hear at any time and as many times as I want. Right now, Im listening to Jeans movie's song 'Adhisayam'. I should thank my cousin Mohan at this time who gave me this collection in the first place. I wish the collection would update itself. The song mp3s I have right now are sorted by movie names and not by composers. Will try something to work this problem out.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Daily Log [Our Ref:EXF20736]

Today was one really bad day for me. It started off well, with me having a good breakfast. Around 9, I was called by the CO to launch the sb lifeboat. After launching, one of the inexperienced cadets(Cameron) let go the painter and caused the boat to drift. The forward suspended hook hit the front view windshield with a swift force and caused it to break. For a second, I was shocked about what had happenned. Then I somehow managed to bring the boat in position and get out of trouble. Even then, the glass was damaged. It took almost till 5 to fix it. I obviously offered to help and got really tired, eventhough I was not assigned the job.
Then I had a row this morning with the Chief officer. He is usually a smooth talker, but today, he got angry and let his real self out. Its amazing how certain situations help bring the real you out. I decided to be grumpy to use the leverage, but Im considering reconciling tomorrow morning. I keep getting flashes about a song from the Ramayana, which says that Rama's arrow traveled through the rakshasi like truth pierces through the minds of the wicked. Then comes the thought about how Sandror's anger remains the same amount of time as a line drawn on water. Thus the connection.
I remained sluggish the entire evening watch due to the pain of hardwork after a long time. I completed the incident report for the Captain. On second thoughts, I decided to rephrase a particular sentence which made me feel as though I was showing off. I hope the Captain didn't have time to read it, because if he had, he would have exported it and it would be a bigger mess.
Just when I thought the day was over, I got a call from Boots(Jimboots the new AB) saying that he is suffering from toothache and needs immediate attention from the 2nd officer. Now I have to wait till he returns back. The reason for writing this to you being the extra time that I have now.
The thirukural reading plan didn't work out the last two three days. Planning to do 190 kurals a day. Makes 1330 Kurals in a week.
I have to get back now to send the new schedule file back home.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXD15407]

Anchored outside the port of Point Noire in Congo..Looks like we will be here for a while. Rough estimate 4 days..:)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Stat update [Our Ref:EXF03239]

Just heard about Andrew Strausss' retirement...Will remember him for the tests he played when England won the Ashes and when playing in India recently.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Barbecue-Experiences [Our Ref:EXE29314]

Today we had a Barbecue party on our ship. It went really well. For the first time, I got the food cooked right. I wish to learn more cooking in the future. I cooked them for a long time and I knew that when I thought it was right, then I should take it as a thumb rule that I must cook it for 10 minutes more. That worked very well. Chicken, Garlic bread, Dessert(name?) and some good old fanta.
I also managed to transfer some good movies from some of the crew onboard(finally!). Im browsing through them right now to separate the good ones. I will let you know if I come across something good.
Today, the clock is also getting retarded by 1 hour. That will put us in Zone time of -6.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Stat update [Our Ref:EXF28316]

Our ship has just left Ghana. The next port is only after 6 or 7 days and so its going to be a bit free after this day. Im still learning the various things to be learnt about this ship. Tonight will be my first watch on the bridge. This bridge is a little bit different because there are some obstructions in front of the bridge which makes it difficult to navigate. Yet, I hope I will learn it soon enough.
I subscribed to the epaper of Hindu newspaper yesterday. I used the ICICI card for it. But due to slow internet, it takes more than an hour to read the entire paper. The subscription cost is Rs. 850 for 6 months.
One good thing about the internet is that the room in which Im going to stay after this officer signs off is very close to the router. So Im hoping that internet speed will get better after next port.
I also came to know that there is going to be an internal audit in the next port. So I will have to prepare for it from now on.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Joining Safmarine Chachai [Our Ref:EXE06444]

Arrvied safely on the ship. After leaving you in Chennai, I cleared Customs, Immigration and then the security check to reach the gate of departure. When you left the airport, the flight was supposed to be late by 30 mins only. Then the flight got delayed by another 20 mins. We left Chennai at 1040 PM.
Onboard the flight to Dubai I watched the movie 'Mission Impossible 4-Ghost Protocol'. Then I slept till the time we reached Dubai.
At Dubai I browsed the shops around for 1 hour and then slept at the airport till 6 AM. I was careful to set an alarm so that I dont miss the flight. Then I proceeded to the particular gate and then boarded the flight. There was no delay. Then I travelled for 8 hours to reach Accra.
At Accra, I was not able to find out the Agent. So I went ahead with the visa department. They told me that I would be given a visa if I paid 20 dollars(standard fee-not a bribe). I paid the money and then left the airport. I went outside and called the agent using one of the security guard's phone(paid him 1 dollar). Then the agent came and found me at the airport. He returned the 20 dollars to me.
I was not sure that time, if I would be taken to the hotel or to the ship. Thats when I messaged you. Then I found out that the vessel had not berthed. So I was taken to a hotel called Kesdem. It was an average hotel. I then slept for 2 hours, had dinner at 5 PM. Then I went around the place to shop. I went to a supermarket and bought some food items including biscuit packets.
The next day, that is today, I was picked up after lunch by the agent and brought to the ship after clearing immigration office. Right now, I have taken over watch. I learnt that the officer Im going to relieve is going to stay onboard till Capetown(25th). I also found out that the schedule has been changed a little bit. Three new ports have been added in the Asia trip. Thats good news because two of those ports have good places to go out. I will tell you the schedule when it happens.
The only problem I seem to have is that my charger dont work here because the plug is not of the same type as India. I remember putting a universal adaptor in the bag but Im not able to find it now. I think I will buy one tomorrow. The tablet's charger is working and so I will be able to call you.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Stat update

Just completed the cargo exam. I have a good feeling about it eventhough i had very little prep time.
About the movie theatre on my last update..the power was back on in 45 mins..

Friday, June 29, 2012

Stat update

Was watching the amazing spiderman movie at the theatre when suddenly, the power supply was gone. It hasn't returned till now. Wait for more updates:)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Stat update

Just finished two of the difficult exams in the last two days. My performance has not been satisfactory to myself..eventhough it may be enough to pass the exam. Right now at mmd trying to find my assessment file in a big heap of paperwork:)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Stat update

Was at my native place yesterday. Had fun with my cousins:)
Finally..ipl is over:) i can get back to studying:-)

Friday, May 25, 2012

Stat update

Now at mmd chennai..have been waiting here for more than half an hour trying to get past the security guard to get an application form. I guess, in the future its going to take much more than being eligible to enter a government office:)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Stat update

Right now at a family function in velachery. Eager to get back to class:)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Stat update

Right now at marina beach at a get together of family friends:) going on quite well:)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Stat update

Just got visited by uncle's college friend. Having a good time talking memories of the last vacation outing:)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Stat update

Just learnt of the close match between kings eleven and chargers. Wish i had seen the match till the end. Delighted to see man city top the chart this season:)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Stat update

Right now in vandavasi..attending a family function..having a hard time keeping monkeys from playing on the car's roof:)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Stat update

Just brought home the new car we booked last week. I am so excited to try it tomorrow:)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Just found one of the photographs taken by me at one of the airports. I have always been amazed by the shear size of the international flights.

Stat review.

Just watched the telugu movie rachaa...the plot is a familiar one. A few twists in the middle makes it a worthwhile watch.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Whats happening in life.

The first internal test happenned last week. The first of the results have arrived already:) this is my first exam in 4 years:)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

My nephew

My nephew is now following me on this blog. So i should be careful about what i write from here on:) its probably gonna reach my family faster than before.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Movies-stat update

Just watched ok ok..just a one time watch..not impressive like the other rajesh movies.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thank You All!

Thank you all for the birthday wishes..You all just made my day...take care everyone..

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

News reel- bangladesh's gain is india's loss

For the second time in the recent past, the Indian cricket team's fortunes were entirely in the hands of the performance of the sri lankan team. And for the second time in a row, the result did not go india's way. I would say its time they took the matter into their hands instead of letting other people decide their fate for them.
The upcoming ipl should prove if its dhoni's fault that the team has been performing below par. Whatever be the case, im eagerly anticipating the start of the tournament:-)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

News reel-budget 2012

Looks like the entire service sector is out for a huge makeover, thanks to the new budget of the upa goverment. All prices are set to increase. Though i undertand that this may lead to sudden ups and downs in inflation, i believe this is a must do step. Someone had to take the step so that the tax income is on par with the situation in reality. Will keep blogging on this topic regularly.

Stat update-new timeline

Just made my new timeline on facebook..:) check it out:)

Stranger than fiction-fan on the train

Just saw a guy start the fan on a public train with just a reminded of the movie anniyan where the hero acts on a similar scene..this proves that people actually learn loads me stuff from movies:-)

Friday, March 16, 2012

News reel..sachin's 100th ton goes to waste.

Sachin's 100th ton couldn't have come at a worse situation. The world champions have been beaten by minnows bangladesh. In spite of being a big fan, i sometimes wonder if sachin has won any games for team india recently. If the answer is no, then he is merely keeping a young player at bay from playing for india.

Stat update

Second day of the course..keeps reminding me of my college days..only relief as me now is the fact that all saturdays and sundayare holidays:-)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Stat update

Blogging from my mobile...just trying a few things. Today I enrolled myself for the phase 1 course..this means ill probably stay ashore for the next few months:-)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Whats happening in life

Hi guys..I wanted to write about my Hong Kong disneyland visit and my Seoul City tour and then proceed with the other posts and stat updates, but I never got the time.  So Im going to do it later on.  I know it pollutes the timeline of this blog, but hey..thats the way its going to be because its my blog and I will write it whatever way I feel like.
     Right now, Im in Mumbai.  I just watched a movie called 'Ek Deewana Tha'.  Those who are fans of tamil movies may relate better to the name 'Vinnai Thandi Varuvaya'.  Most people around me didnt like the movie for various reasons, but I loved it.  I guess it struck a chord in my mind.  All this did not change the fact that the hindi makeover was really bad.  The climax was changed to suit the need of the audience.  In short, it turned out to be another one of those run in a mill movies.

Stat. Update

Watching Ek Deewana Tha at Huma Big Cinemas, Mumbai...Just 5 people with me in the entire theatre of 1200 capacity..

Friday, February 3, 2012

What's happening in life [Our Ref:EXF19794]

I just came to know that the person who was supposed to relieve me is not willing to join the ship. So right now, my sign off plan is hanging in the balance.
My ship is right now at Hong Kong anchorage awaiting berth. The DMA inspection just got over. Other than the usual deficiencies already known, nothing new was found.
Yesterday, I had a strange idea of visiting HongKong disneyland. I always wanted to go there and the timing tomorrow is perfect for a visit to the place not far from the place my ship would be docked. However, Im keeping my plans a secret for the crew since they dont take it lightly when someone does this while they work(eventhough they say they dont mind it). They still cannot believe that I went to watch the latest Sherlock Holmes movie(game of shadows) in a mall in Panama.
Since the ship is at anchorage, I am currently listening to my initial collection of songs, including 'kadhal konjam' and 'nan odum nadhi pol'. Im taking a small break from the Kannadasan collection. The sign off plan has come as an unpleasant surprise to me at this point. I had planned to attend the cmar course immediately after the sign off and it serves me right to have booked the course so quickly after my return to Chennai. Lets see how things turn out.
Btw, the anchorage view is awesome. Im surrounded by arond 50 vessels and more outside the visible range, all at anchor. Hong Kong entry has always been one of my favourites sight seeing areas. Hopefully, I will get a glimpse of HongKong entrance during the transit. I will write about that tomorrow.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXE07507]

About to see Unimak passage today evening..very excited..if there is enough daylight, expect some photos..!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXF12029]

Just saw an exact lookalike of a Nokia 5800 Xpress music...Got to give it to the Chinese to make such excellent doppelganger electronic products...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Stat. Update [Our Ref:EXD00561]

Freezing out here on the bridge...Heating not working...Looks like heating will work only in the morning..

Monday, January 16, 2012

Whats happening in my life [Our Ref:EXD02451]

As you already know, the safety survey went quite well during the last port stay of Balboa, Panama. Just when I thought I would get some time off, the DMA(Danish Maritime Academy) decided to show up on our vessel just before my sign off. The person is arriving on feb 3rd and leaving by the 5th.
This means Ill have to prepare the ship all over again for an inspection. This also means that my reliever can afford to have his feet up for the next 3 months since I made it through all the inspections. Great.
Adding to this depressing thought is the fact that I could have spent the Pongal holidays at home if I had signed on just a few days before. And I may have to sign on again just before my family member get some free time.
And inspite of all the above, life does seem to strike me as a fair bargainer. Im not able to grasp its intricacies, but I hope I do before this lifetime.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What's happening [Our Ref:EXF13210]

I read a report today about an Italian cruise liner carrying around 3000 people running aground and sinking at the Italian coast. Too unfortunate that the navigators did not know where the reef was. Unfortunately, as of now, 2 people have died and there is no info on dozens of others. More updates later.

Stat Update [Our Ref:EXE05725]

Wish you all a very happy Pongal. May the harvest festival bring joy and prosperity to everyone.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Whats happening in life [Our Ref:EXF14520]

The Road Less Travelled
Its been two days since we left port. This time, the trip across the Pacific from Balboa to Yokohama is going to be different,because we are about to take the route less travelled, literally. We are about to go in between the Aleutian island group(a long but narrow group of island emanating from the west of Alaska) and from what I hear, the view is very beautiful. The plan is to sail to Guadalupe Island, then make a great circle(a navigation technique which considers sailing along a curve instead of a straight path) to Unimak passage, then great circle again to Attu passage, then great circle to Nojima Zaki for Yokohama pilot(Zaki or Saki means light house). I will get back to you all with photos.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Phil [Our Ref:EXD09050]

MV Rena, a ship which was grounded last week, has been ripped to two pieces by bad weather. Lesson learnt: Never get stuck for anything at sea or in life. Its not good for business.

Stat update [Our Ref:EXD28646]

Safety survey did not go as planned. Though nothing was found on equipments under my charge, the emergency generator failed to start up automatically, forcing us to get a dispensation from ABS headquarter(the class society). More on that tomorrow.

Thursday, January 5, 2012